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Information for
Leiden University Students

Checklist Leien

Studying at Leiden University, still looking for an internship or elective course and curious about working with an interdisciplinary team? Then the Joint Interdisciplinary Project (JIP) might be interesting for you! Please read the checklist to see which steps need to be taken! As all the master programs in Delft take two years, it is only possible for them to join JIP in their second year of the master. As the master programs from Leiden sometimes have a different format, you can in some studies also apply for JIP as a first-year master student. Some students also opt for extending their one-year master with 3 months. Some studies may require additional permission or are not able to apply for all cases. In doubt contact your study advisor or Board of Examiners.


N.B. to do JIP during your first year of your masters, you must apply for JIP during your bachelors.


Questions? Feel free to contact us via


Checklist for Leiden University Students



  1. Check out all the information regarding the course on

  2. Check the electives or internship criteria of your master study to check whether these criteria match JIP.

  3. Visit one of the information sessions and/or Q&As in May.

  4. Check out all the company cases via the website. Ask your additional questions regarding the course via

  5. Attend company pitches which are announced on the JIP website. The link is made available on the day of the pitch.


NB. For more information regarding the cases, you must enroll yourself at the Delft University of Technology via, see step 3 of the ‘Applying for JIP’ steps. NB. enrolling at the university is no direct commitment. Due to confidentiality, we can only share the complete company cases via TUD Brightspace, which you get access to after enrolling for the TUD.


Applying for JIP

  1. Send an email to to let us know you are interested.

  2. E-mail your board of examiners to ask for their permission. Their answer should be received before the 1st of September 2023. Include the study guide’s description and the argumentation based on the elective/internship criteria in your request.

  3. E-mail your faculty’s student administration that you want to apply for JIP to check whether extra steps are mandatory.

  4. Firstly, enroll yourself also at the Delft University of Technology via You need to be enrolled for both this academic year and the upcoming academic year, since JIP starts in the new academic year.

  5. At the TU Delft, register yourself as a ‘bijvakstudent’ (guest student) in Studielink at the faculty “3ME”.

  6. Pay with ‘Proof of Payment of Tuition Fees’ (Bewijs Betaald Collegegeld) in Studielink. Studying at Leiden University? Then you can find a roadmap how to do this HERE (translation will be available soon).

    NB! Skipping steps 3 and 5 can lead to governmental fines. Make sure you fulfill these steps as soon as possible.

  7. Please send an email to to let us know you are enrolled in Studielink, so we can manually add you to the TUD Brightspace environment of JIP.

  8. Apply for the JIP course via the application form, where you can also rank your preferred cases. You can find the form on TUD Brightspace.


Processing the grades

  1. Request a transcript of the grades from the TU Delft office via

  2. Send the transcript to your own faculty’s student administration.

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